Saturday, May 7, 2016

St. Brigid of Ireland

This is a snapshot of my recently completed icon of St Brigid of Ireland (d.524), one of those strong woman leaders of the Church of the ancient British Isles, a woman of noble family who founded a great abbey at Kildare.  Next to St. Patrick, I guess St. Brigid is the most popular Irish saint--she's right up there anyhow.

The border is my somewhat free interpretation of patterns found in traditional Celtic art, and featuring images associated with Brigid and her homeland: anemone flowers (associated with the saint); hops foliage (because according to reports, Brigid was fond of beer); reed crosses at the corners; and of course some shamrocks.

The figure stands against a simple landscape of rolling hills.  She holds a model of a church building, emblematic of her founding of an abbey.  In her right hand she holds a crozier, emblematic of her leadership in the church.  While the crozier today is exclusively associated with bishops, you do see it in some icons, old and new, held by a woman who was a prominent abbess in her time.

As for the sword under Brigid's foot--there's an interesting story there that I'll leave it to you to look up.

St. Brigid liked beer so much, she wrote a poem about it, which you can read here:

I'm going to make this icon available as a print in the next week or so.

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